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All midwifery students and apprentices deserve to experience the benefits of learning in a safe, supportive equity-focused learning environment. 

As white educators, we need to:

  • SEE the need for equity

  • BELIEVE marginalized students & apprentices

  • ACT to transform our schools & clinics

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"I created this web resource because seeing aspiring midwives of color leave school changed me.  I have seen race impact aspiring midwives.  Struggling students and apprentices have shared their stories with me.  I have heard too many of them wish that things were different."

- Kristin Effland, CPM, MA ~ White Midwifery Faculty & Preceptor, Site Designer  

The tools, resources, examples and ideas found here draw from ideas and resources developed mostly by Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), and have been reviewed by BIPOC individuals. Without their essential contributions, input and resiliency in spite of persistent racism, inequity and white privilege, this project would not be possible.

This website is a work in progress that began as a masters project in

Maternal Child Health Systems.

*Compiled resources thus far focus primarily on racial equity but can and

hopefully will be used to transform midwifery education climates into equity-focused learning environments for all.

Please do not hesitate to share your feedback.

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