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Planning & Evaluation

“An organization’s leadership (usually white) determines actions to prioritize in the organization’s strategic planning, and those actions tend to address issues deemed most important to white membership.” - Gordon, 2016, p.768

Strategic Plan Examples

  • "We suggest that administrators, faculty, and institutional researchers proactively audit their campus climates and cultures to determine the need for change." (p.19) See more in Excerpts from Harper and Hurtado (2007, pp.19-21)

  • Regarding the assessment of cultural competency: "Existing measures embed highly problematic assumptions about what constitutes cultural competence. They ignore the power relations of social inequality and assume that individual knowledge and self-confidence are sufficient for change. Developing measures that assess cultural humility and/or assess actual practice are needed if educators in the health professions and health professionals are to move forward in efforts to understand, teach, practice, and evaluate cultural competence." (Kumas-Tan, Beagan, Loppie, MacLeod & Frank, B. (2007). Measures of cultural competence: Examining hidden assumptions. Academic Medicine, 82(6), 548-557)

Inclusive & Equitable Planning
Inclusive & Equitable Planning
Strategic Plan Examples

“Hire outside consultants. It can be nearly impossible to objectively evaluate one’s own program, and stakeholders are much more likely to share openly and honestly with an independent third party than with the administration.” Gordon, McCarter, Myers, 2016 p. 724

“Despite fifteen years of racial climate research on multiple campuses, the themes of exclusion, institutional rhetoric rather than action, and marginality continue to emerge from student voices. Conducting a climate study can be symbolic of institutional action, only to be filed away on a shelf. We advocate that data gathered through the ongoing assessment of campus racial climates guide conversations and reflective examinations to overcome discomfort with race, plan for deep levels of institutional transformation, and achieve excellence in fostering racially inclusive learning environments." (Harper & Hurtado, 2007, p.21)

“We recognize the potential risks that linking assessments in multicultural education to the traditional components of competency possesses: the danger that knowledge, skills, and attitudes may be quickly reified into rather inflexible categories that test competencies empty of internalized values."

- Kumagai & Lypson, 2009

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